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CRITICAL MIND #1 The Russia-Ukraine Conflict: What do we learn about Europe, US and the World Order?
International Relations Bina Nusantara University

CRITICAL MIND #1 The Russia-Ukraine Conflict: What do we learn about Europe, US and the World Order?

The Indonesian International Relations Association (AIHII, Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia) in collaboration with the Department of Political Science University of Philippines Diliman, Binus University Jakarta & Synergy Policies (an independent think-tank for interdisciplinary approach) proudly presents: CRITICAL MIND #1 The Russia-Ukraine Conflict: What do we learn about Europe, US and the World Order? A lot has been written about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Granted it is a tragic event for humankind; one that causes pain to any countries fighting for peace, justice, and humanity. But we need to look beyond what being said and told by the leaders and the media. We invite you to share thoughts and observations at CRITICAL MIND. CRITICAL MIND is the platform for scholars of international relations from different walks of experience to reflect on the world order that we live in: the power distribution, the social justice, the human rights, the respect and tolerance among nations, and the humanity. In this #1 event, we are proud to collaborate with University of Philippines in Diliman, Binus University and Synergy Policies. We ask: what has changed in the US, Europe and the world given the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Is the potential of World War III tamed so far? What don’t we know about the ongoing negotiations between countries, both in the political security and socio-economic dimensions? What is the take home points for students of international relations in Southeast Asia? Moderator: Dinna Prapto Raharja, Coordinator of International Cooperation at AIHII (2020-2023), Associate Professor of International Relations at Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta, Indonesia who specializes in comparative political economy, US foreign policy, ASEAN, human rights and social protection. Discussants: 1. Yulius Purwadi Hermawan, Ph.D – Board of Expert to AIHII, Faculty member of the International Relations Department of Universitas Parahyangan in Bandung, Indonesia who currently serves as Member of T20 Africa Standing Group for the G20. He specializes in international development, international organization, and global economic order. 2. Muhadi Sugiono, MA – Member of AIHII, Faculty member of the International Relations Department Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She specializes in peace and security, European studies.
Faisal Basri: Subsidi Energi Bengkak, Sudah Waktunya Pertalite Naik
CNBC Indonesia

Faisal Basri: Subsidi Energi Bengkak, Sudah Waktunya Pertalite Naik

Berita lainnya Ngeri! Ini Daftar Pencurian Kripto Terbesar dalam Sejarah Pemerintah harus menaikan subsidi energi hingga Rp 502 triliun guna menahan harga BBM Cs dalam negeri tetap rendah di tengah lonjakan harga minyak global. Ekonom Senior, Faisal Basri menilai subsidi energi tidak bisa terus dilakukan dan Presiden Jokowi perlu mengambil terobosan untuk memangkas subsidi energi karena impor BBM bisa tembus USD 20 Miliar di 2022 ini. Seperti apa dampak peningkat subsidi energi ke ekonomi RI? Selengkapnya simak dialog Muhammad Gibran dengan Ekonom Senior, Faisal Basri dan Gubernur Indonesia Untuk OPEC (2015-2016), Widhyawan Prawiraatmadja dalam Squawk Box, CNBC Indonesia (Senin, 27/06/2022) Terus ikuti berita ekonomi bisnis dan analisis mendalam hanya di CNBC Indonesia terafiliasi dengan CNBC Internasional dan beroperasi di bawah grup Transmedia dan tergabung bersama Trans TV, Trans7, Detikcom, Transvision, CNN Indonesia dan CNN CNBC Indonesia dapat dinikmati melalui tayangan Transvision channel 805 atau streaming melalui aplikasi CNBC Indonesia yang dapat di download di playstore atau iOS. Follow us on social: Twitter: Facebook Page: Instagram: Tiktok: Spotify:
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