Senior Advisors
Prof. Dr. Makarim Wibisono
Senior Advisor
Prof. Makarim is an expert and practitioner in international relations. His field of expertise is diplomacy, international political economy, and human rights. He served as Indonesia’s Ambassador in the United Nations, for the WHO and other international organizations in Geneva, and for Guatemala, Nicaragua, Jamaica & Bahama.
Dr. Marzuki Darusman
Senior Advisor
Marzuki Darusman is a practitioner of public policy with a degree in law (and an Honorary Doctorate in law) and passion to campaign for human rights and anti-corruption. He served as Indonesia’s Attorney General & Cabinet Secretary during the administration of President Abdurrahman Wahid. He served various positions in the United Nations.
Dr. Abdul Malik Gismar
Senior Advisor
Dr. Malik mainly focused in social-political psychology, specifically in how macro cultural factors (such as social institutions, policies, cultural ideation, and tradition) inform and prescribe actions
Faisal Basri, MA.
(6 November 1959 - 5 September 2024)
Senior Advisor
Faisal has spent most of his career as a lecturer and a researcher the field of Economics and Business since 1981. By 2020, he has produced 384 articles; 39 articles published in various scientific journals, 75 titles of books/ co-authored books and 55 research reports along with hundreds of papers that he has presented domestically and abroad.
Executive Director
Dinna Prapto Raharja, Ph.D.
Dinna Prapto Raharja, Ph.D, was known as Dinna Wisnu, is a practitioner, advisor & trainer of public policy with specialization in diplomacy, comparative political economy, and social protection. By 2022 she earned 26 years of professional experience in Indonesia, United States, Australia, and a dozen other countries. She is also a productive writer. She obtained MA & Ph.D from the Department of Political Science, The Ohio State University and her undergraduate degree of International Relations from University of Indonesia.
Consultants and Associate
Dr. Fransiscus S Joyoadisumarta
Senior Researcher
Dr. Fransiscus is an expert and trainer on social welfare, industrial relations disputes and labour activisms, which by 2021 have earned 25 years of experience in enforcing civic space for labour in manufacturing, public service, and plantation sectors.
Safitri Siswono, ST., MM
Safitri Siswono completed her Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Master of Management from Prasetiya Mulya Business School (PMBS). She is the Director of the Bangun Cipta Group, which operates in the fields of Hotels, SPAM (Drinking Water Procurement Systems), tourism, Property, industry, investment, and construction services.