This article was originally published in en.vietnamplus.vn with the title "Vietnam Stays Firm with Development Orientations: Indonesian Expert" or link https://en.vietnamplus.vn/vietnam-stays-firm-with-development-orientations-indonesian-expert/195683.vnp
featuring insight from
Dinna Prapto Raharja, Founder of Synergy Policies,
Associate Professor in International Relations
Vietnam has managed to maintain its development orientations, while enjoying economic benefits from foreign partners such as the US and European Union (EU) member countries, according to Dinna Prapto Raharja from Binus University of Indonesia.
The Indonesian expert held that Vietnam is showing strong performance in economic development despite heavy pressure.
She held that along with economic achievements, Vietnam also succeeded as the Chair of ASEAN in 2020 despite COVID-19 pandemic.
Notably, Vietnam was among the few countries maintaining economic growth in the world, she said, adding that the country has hosted dozens of online meetings at a high level, manifesting the high adaptability of the ASEAN amid difficulties.
Dinna asserted that in the difficult situation, one of the major achievements that the ASEAN gained under the leadership of Vietnam was completing the negotiations and signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
However, the expert held that many structural issues should be improved, while the ASEAN will continue to face challenges in politics and security as the grouping’s members tend to prioritise economic pillar.
Commenting on the Indonesia-Vietnam strategic partnership, Dinna said that this is a close relationship that needs to be elevated to higher levels to benefit both sides.
She expressed her hope that Vietnam will give positive support to Indonesia’s agenda when the country takes the role of the ASEAN Chair in 2023.